Emma’s Garden

Emma’s Garden

Now that I’ve taken you on a mini tour of my flowers, I would like to share how I created a novel around a garden, Emma’s Garden, A Jessica Tyson Mystery (3rd in the series).

I brought to life a secondary character who is possessed by her flowers.

“You cannot raise flowers and children at the same time.”


When my two daughters were toddlers, I found it difficult to maintain even a few houseplants, let alone any type of landscape outside. I watered too much, I watered too little, the girls and their friends were picking off blossoms or tearing at leaves. Any and all of the above could make me sad. So to maintain a positive attitude my slogan became,

“You cannot raise flowers and children at the same time.”

I also have a loving relative who wants no flowers in her house, donated all the vases she owned to me, and has no interest in any type of garden tour. In fact at one time I stood on my deck and pointed out to her the colorful array of blossoms around us. Her comment,

“Oh, look at that darling little bird there on the birdbath.” (It’s a cement molded bird.) Her reason for flower disdain – her mother, who raised five children as a single mom, doted on her flower beds.

Hence: Emma’s Garden

So… I created Emma — a mother who cared more about her flowers than her children and raised a serial killer who pleased Momma by dumping fertilizer in her garden.

Click HERE and read more about Emma and friends.

Please leave a comment on how your mind goes on these twists and turns, creating creepy characters. (I prefer ‘twists and turns’ to ‘twisted mind.’)


The July winner of a free copy of Emma’s Garden is Justine67.

Subscribe to my blog in the upper right hand corner and win your own copy.